February 10, 2025


Obey Your Travel.

Finding Cheap Flights and Airline Deals – Afford More Trips, More Often

Can you believe that some workers have to be forced to take their holidays? What sort of fantastic, interesting, exciting jobs are they working in?

Let me know and I’ll apply for one of those positions because, honestly, I’d much rather take a holiday than do battle with traffic every morning, sit in an office all day and do the same agonizing trip home again in the early evening. Maybe they think ‘What’s the point of a vacation if I can’t afford to go anywhere?’

If they only knew some of the insider information and great ideas that can place a trip to anywhere in the world well within their price range or make it more affordable to take multiple domestic trips every year. What sort of information and ideas? I’ll give you a few of my money saving ideas to think about…

• A difference of 1 day in the timing of your departure or return could save you hundreds off the cost of flights, car hire, accommodation, etc. This usually occurs on the change-over from low to medium or medium to high season so always try to be a little flexible in your travel dates and check the available fares and prices within a few days either side of your preferred date.

• Check ALL the fees, charges, taxes and costs before committing to your choice. You’d be amazed at how quickly a ‘bargain’ becomes a rip off once all the extras are taken into account.

• If you’re traveling internationally, watch the currency exchange rate for your destination. When the rate is up, make your bookings for the internal flights and land content for that location and be pleasantly surprised with the savings.

• Make a short-list of your preferred accommodation for each stopover. (Ensure you read the traveler reviews for each one and don’t just assume that price, location or name is an indication of the quality.) Check the inclusions such as breakfasts, kids stay free and car parking – just these 3 could save you enough to add another few days to your trip.

• Don’t forget to look for hotels that offer free airport shuttle transportation – it could be worth well over $50 when compared to taxi fares or a whole lot more if you’re facing individual shuttle fares for you and your family.

• Compare prices on everything – even if you think you’ve found a great deal, check it against other options until you’re satisfied you’ve found the very best deal available.

• Don’t trade quality for price. Chances are, the unrealistically cheap fares are with an airline you wouldn’t want to fly with. You know the ones – flights regularly canceled, luggage lost or damaged, rude staff or, worst of all, a poor safety record. You want to travel economically not stressfully!

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